Robotics Blog post


Here, I’ll walk through my experience with following the “Touchy Feely Lamp” project on the arduino kit starter projects book

I gathered up all of my materials, and then downloaded the CapacitiveSensor library in order for the code to work properly. 

The library checks the two pins on our arduino – and when a part of my body (fingers) touches the object, it will absorb the charge and make it take longer for the two pins to be the same. The program will then measure the capacitance and turn on the LED.

Here is a video of it in action!



3 Responses to “Robotics Blog post”

  1. mcrompton Avatar

    Wow, Vincent. That has got to be the shortest blog post ever. Not that length is the measure of quality, but you have kept things on a very “need to know” level. I wonder what arduino experience you brought to this project? What did you learn in the process? How might you apply what you learned to a future project? Please reply in the comments below.

    1. vzhao27 Avatar

      I took robotics in both grade 8 and 9, and spent an entire term learning Arduino during my grade 9 semester of robotics. From both grades, I had already gathered a basic knowledge of C++ from Arduino and Vexcode pro, in which I built a rotating knee taper, and a eye level water sensor with materials and guidance from Bilykh. In this process, I learnt some more about the proper wiring in Arduino, as I forgot to connect one of the wires to the ground pin so my robot initially did not work. Not that this is something new I learned, but I will take note to thoroughly check my Arduino cables after finishing my work next time, as it is always good to develop a habit of double checking your work.

  2. mcrompton Avatar

    Thank you, Vincent.

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