Personal Project

Height Adjustable Banding Wheel – Final Report

Introduction to Fusion MKVII (and me!) Hello! My name is Raymond and I’m part of Fusion MKVII this year at my school, St.George’s. Fusion is a STEM-based cohort aimed to provide grade 10 students with a chance to create connections, learn more about the field, and most importantly, work on a Personal Project. The Personal […]

Personal Project

Personal Project Documentation #2

Here is what has changed since the last PP Documentation (in chronological order): Planned Prototype Making In terms of making a prototype, during spring break, I had these steps finished or planned out: Then, I went to Calgary where I found out my skin is allergic to chlorine in dry conditions. Needless to say, I […]

Personal Project

Personal Project Documentation #1 – 3/7/23

This is the final class for working on our personal projects before we leave for spring break, so it makes sense to document my progress so far in my project. This is so that I can know where I’ve gotten to when I come back in two weeks. These are the phases of the engineering […]

Personal Project

Personal Project Pitch – Height Adjustable Banding Wheel

Introduction The Year-End project is the culminating experience and endeavour that the Grade 10 Fusion Cohort includes. This post aims to bring the pitch of my initial idea of a height-adjustable banding wheel, taken directly from my script and my slide deck. This is to give others insight into existing research, the context of ceramics, […]

Space Exploration & Astronomy

Enceladus Vehicle Test Report

This project was a long-winded process of creating and testing a vehicle that would efficiently drive on Enceladus, and now, it is finally complete. This is my chance to share with you all the results from our vehicle in detail and how we can improve upon it next time. Please grab yourself four bags of […]

Space Exploration & Astronomy

Enceladus Vehicle Process Report

We’ve built and tested our vehicle. This is a great opportunity to reflect and learn about our process so that in the future, we may think and approach a problem in a better way. Since this was an engineering challenge, it is only appropriate that we approach this by examining the most prominent phases of […]

Personal Project

Personal Project Initial Ideation

A big part of the Fusion 10 experience is the personal project, a long-term endeavour by students in the cohort to explore and delve deep to solve a problem that they are passionate about. Obviously, this is going to be heavily personalized, which is what makes it so fun. Here is my initial thinking about […]

Space Exploration & Astronomy

Enceladus Project – Empathy Phase

Background of Enceladus Enceladus is an icy and geologically active moon of Saturn. It features ice crevasses with jets of water plumes shooting out of them due to tidal gravitational pulls from Saturn. Orbiters, telescopes, and spacecraft have allowed us to learn about this fascinating moon in depth. We now know that there is a […]

Space Exploration & Astronomy

Exploring our Solar System for a New Home

Are we alone in our universe? Where can we live in our solar system? These are age-old questions common in the field of space exploration. As more spacecraft, satellites, and telescopes were launched beyond Earth, we have been able to learn an immense amount about our solar system and the potential harbours for extraterrestrial life. […]


Who am I and what is Fusion?

My name is Raymond and I’m currently a Grade 10 student at St.George’s School in Vancouver, Canada. I am in the Fusion cohort at my school, where a group of students and teachers work together to dive deeper into different types of technology and fields of STEM. It is heavily focused on exploring personal passions, […]