Category: Uncategorized

  • Space Exploration Project: Part 2

    This is a picture of Ganymede’s terrain. It is filled with craters and has long divots across its surface. It is also entirely made of ice so its surface is not only slippery, but extremely cold aswell. These are all factors that have affected our final decision for our robot. (definition statement) Our team must…

  • Space Exploration Project: Part 1

    This is Ganymede. It is one of Jupiter’s moons and more importantly, it is the moon my team has landed on. (Problem statement) Our team must design an efficient transportation method on a foreign celestial body, both without wasting excess energy and without wasting time,  capable of a 5-kilometre-long round trip on Ganymede, one of…

  • Arduino & CAD: The Robotic Arm

    Before I dive into explaining how I made the robotic arm, I would like to note that this is a fusion of both my arduino project and my CAD project. I will start with explaining the arduino portion, then further down I will explain the CAD portion of this creation. Physical arduino portion: This is…

  • Project #1: Python Slot Machine

    Introduction And The First Step My class and I were tasked with creating 3 projects over 6 weeks. A python coding project, a CAD project, and an arduino robotics project. I decided to start with the python project and created a Slot Machine. These are some of the various steps I went through in order…