Category: Space and astronomy

  • Vehicle Project Reflection

    Problem Definition We were able to quickly identify our problem statement. This was drafted pretty clearly which gave us a good head start and aim for our prototype. By defining what we needed to accomplish we split the work equally and were left with a good amount of time on our hands. Establishing Norms Our…

  • Final Report – Enceladus Vehicle

    Introduction Enceladus, the moon of Saturn, presents a challenging yet interesting environment for explorers to explore. It’s one of the many places in our universe where life could potentially exist. Problem Statement and Approach My team and I have chosen to design a vehicle to travel safely on Enceladus while avoiding icy temperatures, around –…

  • Designing a Vehicle for Enceladus

    Definition Statement My team and I have chosen to study Enceladus and design a vehicle for it to travel safely while avoiding icy temperatures, around – 201 degrees Celsius, high-power efficiency, geysers of water vapor, high brightness induced low visibility, dangerous radiation levels, and the possibility of escaping from Enceladus’s gravity pull (0.113m/s2). The vehicle…

  • An introduction to Enceladus

    Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, one of the many places where life could possibly exist in our solar system. Discovered in 1789 by astronomer William Herschel, with a small diameter of around 504 kilometers, the moon stands out with its bright and icy surface. My team and I have chosen to study Enceladus and design…