Author: jzhang27
Design Proposal: “Our mission is to design a human operable transportation vehicle capable of a reliable 10-kilometer round-trip journey. This vehicle will navigate Titan’s dense atmosphere – 50% more than earth’s – and surface gravity of 1.35 m/s² efficiently, allowing for stable travel to and from an assumed habitat. By using Titan’s natural resources for…
Introduction In this project we are to decide on an object in our solar system that could possibly support life in the future to theoretically travel to and to live on. With the main challenge in this assignment being designing and testing a vehicle that can transport my 3 person team from Point A to…
Introduction: 2. Plan your device. What will it do? What components will you need? How will the components connect with each other? 3. Ensure that you can connect your computer to the Arduino board. 4. Program the Arduino to do what you need it to. To demonstrate these skills I have created a Magic 8Ball…
Project Introduction 2. Flowchart the steps that your program will have to take to work through the problem. Do this BEFORE you code anything! This will help you plan your code. 3. Write the code. Make sure that you are commenting your code as you go. Debug the code. With this project I have demonstrated…
Introduction: This assignment’s goal was to show my skills using CAD programs and learning to think through digital design programs. Proving my proficiency via these 5 skills: Sketching – drawing a 2 dimensional representation of a face in CAD Extruding – taking a sketch and turning it into a 3 dimensional object Assembly – taking…
Introduction Projects 2. Stock Ticker Display (Coding project(Python, HTML ,JavaScript, CSS)) 3. Magic 8Ball (Robotics projects(Arduino)) Planet Expedition Project Pt. 1: Research and prototype Pt.2 Final design and Testing