Category: Uncategorized

  • Conquest of Titan – Planet Exploration Project Pt. 2

    Welcome to the second part of the Planet Exploration Project. This is our team’s definition statement: Our mission is to design a human-operable transportation vehicle capable of a reliable 10-kilometer round-trip journey. This vehicle will navigate Titan’s dense atmosphere – 50% more than Earth’s – and surface gravity of 1.35 m/s² efficiently, allowing for stable…

  • Delving in the World of Robotics

    I’m Aiden and let me introduce you to my Robotics assignment in my Fusion 10 program. This one is Example 02 from the Starter Kit, Spaceship Interface. It turns on a green LED until the switch is pressed, where it will then blink 2 red LEDs instead. The code is as follows: The code is…

  • Journey to Titan – Planet Exploration Project Pt. 1

    In the Planet Exploration Project, we have to choose any celestial body in the Solar System and design a vehicle that we will transport my team and I 5 km to and back on its surface. My team and I have chosen Saturn’s largest moon — Titan. An image of Titan taken by the Cassini…

  • The Story of How I Made a Comedy Machine in Pursuit of Endless Humor

    Hi, this is Aiden again and this is my Coding Assignment for my Fusion 10 program. This is the link to my Python program. The code’s a little too long to show, but it’s a comedy machine that can generate jokes based on a subject and object input. You can choose to generate 1-10 jokes.…

  • Reasons I made a 3D-printed and Spring-Loaded Knife (Model) in my CAD Class

    Hi, my name is Aiden and this is my CAD Assignment for my Fusion 10 program. “Um, what in the smorgasbord is this,” you may be asking. Well, this is an Assassin’s Creed Hidden Blade (inspiration by JLaservideo, this guy built a functioning Iron Man suit), but it’s not really hidden as it’s supposed to…